Fungus Fair poster contest is open
MSSF Annual Election
Stephanie Wright Hello MSSF members - The annual MSSF election for officers, and two councilor-at-large seats, is coming up.
- You will receive an email with a link to the online voting module.
- Voting will commence on Tuesday, May 21 - the date of the May General Meeting, which is also the Annual Meeting.
- The last day to cast your ballot will be Tuesday, June 4.
- Election results will be announced by mid-June.
The slate is:
- President: Sarah Ruhs
- Vice-president: Natalie Wren
- Secretary: Colleen Sudekum
- Treasurer: Pascal Pelous
- Councilors-at-large: Tiffani Chu, Stephanie Wright
Hope you all are enjoying spring this year. It seems to be a good year for mushroom hunting. ~stephanie
Help support the future of MSSF
Help support the future of the Mycological Society of San Francisco (MSSF)
(Gift and Estate Planning)
Since 1950 the Mycological Society of San Francisco has been an innovative, cultural, and educational icon in San Francisco, the greater bay area, and beyond. Would you like to see this great educational organization thrive for many years to come? You may have assets to donate that can help ensure the long-term future of this great organization. The Mycological Society of San Francisco enriched the lives of thousands of Northern Californians.
Your future gift can help sustain the MSSF’S contribution to our city, and the future of the entire bay area community for many years to come. Remember, the (MSSF) is a 501(C)(3) non profit organization, all contributions in support of this great organization are tax deductible as allowed by law. Please remember the Society in your living will or trust. |
Sant Cruz Mountain Mushroom Festival
Ken Litchfield Far West Fungi's
Santa Cruz Mountain Mushroom Festival
At Roaring Camp in Felton, California
May 4 - 5, 2024
10am - 7pm
MSSF gets 20% Off
Use code "MUSHORGS"
----->>>> Read on about the festival
Culinary Corner
Dinna Davis April Dinner: "Not Boar-ing Spring Supper"
Captains: Anna Danich, Robert Hunt & Heather Lunan

MSSF Foray – Salt Point - April ‘24
Liz Vermillion On April 14, 2024, the Mycological Society of San Francisco met at Salt Point State Park in Jenner, California for the first time since its closure in February.
---------->>>>>>>> About our April Foray
Exploring the Wonders of Mushrooms in North California
Raymond Archambault and Kit H. Leung The Mycological Society of San Francisco (MSSF) became the gateway to our mycological adventure. We must extend our heartfelt gratitude to Natalie Wren, the MSSF president, for inviting us to attend their March general meeting and the extraordinary French culinary dinner. This wonderful highlight of our visit only continued to grow, as we participated in both formal and informal forays, further deepening our appreciation for the MSSF and its members.
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Education Committee
Greetings Everyone,
This is Enrique Sanchez, your education chair. I would like to form an 'Education Commitee', so as a group, we can brainstorm and create positive educational experiences for our membership. This committee will meet during the fungi off season, virtually/in person, June through August, so we can have an array of workshops, lectures, forays, etc..... for MSSF in September. Hopefully, we can keep the virtual/in person gathering to a minimum.
I can be contacted through the membership list. Thank you~
Enrique Sanchez
Education Chair
April 27th Quick Start Foray in Golden Gate Park
Elizabeth Simonson We hosted another super successful MSSF Quick Start Foray on Sat April 27th in Golden Gate Park with a good turnout of over 30 people including some newly minted MSSF members at their inaugural event!
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Members Only Forays
Attention MSSF Members!
Two, members only, Morel hunting forays are being planned for May 2024.
The first one will be in the Sierras on May 11th. The second one will be near McCloud and Mt Shasta over Memorial Day weekend, May 24-27, in conjunction with the McCloud Mushroom Festival in downtown McCloud, May 25-26.
Full details of the forays will be on the MSSF Website calendar and on the event registration page.
Mona Mushroom at Burning Man