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Scientific and Common Names of Mushrooms

Not all mushrooms have common names. Some have more than one. Scientific names are sometimes changed but mushroom enthusiasts frequently refer to them as they were previously known. We have listed some of these alternate names. The mushrooms in this list include those in the main body of the book as well as those listed under "More Edible Mushrooms".

Genus Species Common
Agaricus arvensis Horse Mushroom
augustus The prince
Common store mushroom
button mushroom
commercial mushroom
Spring agaricus
campestris Field or meadow mushroom
crocodilinus Crocodile agaricus
fuscofibrillosus Bleeding agaricus
haemorrhoidarius Bleeding agaricus
Amanita phalloides Death cap
Armillaria matsutake Matsutake
mellea Honey or oak mushroom
ponderosa American matsutake or pine mushroom,
recently renamed Tricholoma magnivelare
Auricularia auricula Cloud ear mushroom or Judas' ear
polytricha Wood ear mushroom,
tree ear, or black fungus
Boletus aereus  
appendiculatus Butter bolete
badius Bay bolete
barrowsii Barrow's bolete
bicolor Two-colored bolete
edulis Porcini, cèpe, or king bolete
mirabilis Admirable bolete
pinicola Variant of B. edulis
regius Regal bolete
zelleri Zeller's bolete
Bovista various Puffball
Calbovista various Puffball
Calvatia gigantea Puffball
Cantharellus cibarius Golden chanterelle or egg mushroom
cinnabarinus Cinnabar-red chanterelle
lateritius Smooth chanterelle
subalbidus White chanterelle
tubaeformis Trumpet chanterelle
Chlorophyllum molybdites
Green-spored parasol mushroom
Clitocybe fragrans Fragrant clitocybe
odora Anise-scented
nuda Blewit
Clitopilus prunulus Sweetbread mushroom
Coprinus atramentarius Alcohol inky cap
comatus Shaggy mane, lawyer's wig, or inky cap
micaceus Mica cap
Cortinarius armillatus Bracelet cortinarius
Craterellus cornucopioides Horn of plenty, trumpet of death,
or black chanterelle
Entoloma abortivum Aborted entoloma
Flammulina velutipes Enoki, velvet foot, golden needle,
or winter mushroom
Gomphus clavatus Pig's ear
frondosa Hen of the woods
Gyromitra gigas Snowbank false morel
Helvella lacunosa Black saddle mushroom
Hericium coralloides
caput ursi
Coral hericium
erinaceus Bear's head, monkey head, or pom-pom
ramosum Comb tooth mushroom
Hydnum repandum Hedgehog mushroom or sweet tooth
umbilicatum Belly-button mushroom
Hygrophorus russula Russula like waxy cap
Lactarius deliciosus Delicious milky cap
fragilis Candy cap
indigo Blue milky cap
rubrilacteus Bleeding milky cap
Leccinum aurantiacum Orange-capped scaber stalk
insigne Aspen scaber stalk
manzanitae Manzanita scaber stalk
scaber Scaber stalk
Lentinus edodes Shiitake, black forest mushroom
molybdites Green-spored parasol
Lepiota procera Parasol mushroom
rhacodes Shaggy parasol mushroom
or drumstick mushroom
nuda Blewit
Lycoperdon various Puffball
Marasmius oreades Fairy-ring mushroom
scorodonius Garlic marasmius
Morchella angusticeps Morel or sponge
conica Morel or sponge
deliciosa Morel or sponge
esculenta Morel or sponge
Phlogiotis helvelloides Apricot jelly mushroom
Pholiota nameko Nameko
aurivella Butter mushroom
Pleurocybella porrigens Angels' wings
Pleurotus ostreatus Oyster mushroom
sajor-caju Oyster mushroom
Pluteus cervinus Fawn mushroom
frondosa Hen of the woods
Polyozellus multiplex Clustered blue chanterelle
Polyporus umbellatus Umbrella polypore
Ramaria botrytis Red-tipped coral mushroom
Rozites caperata Gypsy mushroom or chicken of the woods
Russula aeruginea Tacky green russula
cyanoxantha Charcoal burner
delica Short-stem russula
nigricans Blackening russula
vesca Bare-toothed russula
xerampelina Shellfish-scented russula
Sparassis crispa
Cauliflower mushroom
Strobilomyces confusus
Old man of the woods
Stropharia rugosoannulata Wine-cap stropharia
Suillus brevipes Short-stalked slippery cap
granulatus Dotted-stalk suillus
pictus Painted suillus
Terfezia bouderi Black kame
claveryi Brown kame
Tremella fuciformis Snow mushroom, white jelly fungus,
or silver ear mushroom
Tricholoma flavovirens
Man on horseback
magnivelare Pine mushroom or American matsutake
Tuber aestivum Summer truffle
gibbosum Oregon white truffle
magnatum Italian white truffle
melanosporum French black truffle
texensis Texas white truffle
Volvariella volvacea Straw mushroom or paddy straw mushroom