 | Dead Man's Mushroom-spores by Cindy Todd
 | puff ball in Virginia I was bassett hunting (for rabbits) in Middleburg Virginia last month and found this in a wooded area. It fed 65 people a wonderful teriyaki mushroom course that evening. Found a few more, but none as big.
 | Eric Multhaup and friends Eric and Bob Goldfien played hooky from work in order to rescue some lonely mushrooms one day in November
 | Phyllotopsis nidulans This flush was on the broken end of a large branch of a live oak Jan. 19. The Oak itself looked diseased. The caps of these pliable mushrooms have the peach-fuzz look but not the disgusting odor that Arora describes. They had a central powdering of white. Spore color similar to the cap color: orangey-tan.
 | Woodside 1-30-11
 | Yellow Craterellus cornucopioides Found at Salt Point State Park 12/31/2010
 | Yellow Craterellus cornucopioides 2 Found at Salt Point 12/31/2010
 | Yellow Craterellus cornucopioides 3 Found at Salt Point State Park 12/31/2010
 | Redwood Trail, Tilden Park, March 2011