Colorado, 1997: Nathan Wilson, Dr. Roy Halling, Dr. Dennis Desjarin, Michael Wood
How far below freezing does it have to be to get Norm to wear long pants? OR That beer tastes better when its cold out here! (Picnic 2000)
Forays are fun! (Bob Erikson)
Hey look at these big 'uns! (David & Jeanne with morels, MSSF Summer Picnic 2000)
Dr. Dennis Desjardin IDs fungi at Patrick's Point
Some even carry their own garden to forays!
Fred Stevens demonstrates what make an Amanita an Amanita
Fred Stevens photographs mushrooms
The family that forays together stays together (The Campbells at an MSSF picnic)
Mike Boom and large Ganoderma oregonense (Yuba Pass foray, 1999)
Camping (and eating) MSSF style!
Did they pass the class??? (Herb Saylor & Nina Lysenko at SFSU Yuba Pass spring class, 1986)
Herb Saylor lectures on the Hypogeous fungi (Yuba Pass, 1986)
Jane Wardzinska and large Ganoderma oregonense (Yuba Pass foray, 1999)
A half basket of morels is infinitely better than an empty basket! (Jane Wardzinska, 1984)
Larry Stickney leads a Land's End foray (1984)
Chester Laskowski collecting
Lynn Morton and Big Mushroom
But not as good as two baskets of morels! (Lynn Morton)
Mike is upset at Fred's attempt to steal his Marasmius. Samantha wonders why humans are so strange.
Some will go anywhere for a mushroom photograph! (Mike Wood on a pile of horse manure)
Mike Wood photographs mushrooms
Mike Boom and too many Boletes
A nice, sunny day collecting morels
But at least they bring back mushroom collections!
Norm Andresen and too many Boletes
Big Boletes make big smiles (Patrick Hamilton)
Patrick Hamilton cooks at a foray a Chapman Creek
It's true! Being a Past President of the MSSF gives you a big head!
A cold day at the MSSF Summer Picnic 2000
Taylor F. Lockwood, fabulous fungal fotographer, with Agaricus augustus
A cold, snowy evening after collecting morels
Yutaka Wada, another happy Bolete hunter